This is how art grows
This is the break down
This is how art grows This is the break down
JANUARY 9TH, 2023 AT 6:00PM
✓ Lizz Baxter
✓ Andy Jamison-LeGere
Christine Lockett
Shannon McKnight
Lee McVetta
✓ Dre Ross
✓ Regina Spagnardi
✓ Dorrell Turner
KJ Ukpai
✓ Jim Dukes
Kedre Roca
✓ Sam Hunter
✓ Guests: ASC CLT Program - Joanna Kasnieryk, Niki Bowen, Sherelle Froneberger, Tompson Lubin
CAL Mission Moment
Review & Approval of Previous Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
Membership Update:
Total Members = 159
General = 57
Professional = 97
Student = 5
Executive Director’s Update
Committee Updates
Committee Liaison (Chair: Lee McVetta)
Community Liaison (Chair: Dre Ross)
Enrichment/Special Projects (Chair: Vacant)
Events (Chair: Christine Lockett)
Exhibits (Chair: Regina Spagnardi)
Featured Artist of the Month (Lead: Dorrell Turner)
Finance and Legal (Chair: Vacant)
Marketing (Chair: Lizz Baxter)
Membership (Chair: Vacant)
Special Orders (nominations, elections, etc.)
Unfinished Business
Board succession planning
Still recruiting for President and Treasurer board positions
New Business
Soliciting small dollar donations (Venmo / Zelle) from CAL visitors and making our mission visible
Volunteer to attend ASC CLT Speed Dating
Volunteers for ad-hoc Nominations Committee (for FY24 Elections)
Board members and committee chairs, we will be starting our FY23 budget process in March
Board Reset Retreat scheduled for January 21
Member liaison for CAL members to be represented during BoD meetings
Open Forum
Next meeting: February 13th, 2023 at 6:00PM